Drs. Bibi van den Bos is:
- Sworn interpreter Dutch <> Spanish, providing liaison and whispering interpreting services.
- Sworn translator for the language pairs Dutch > Spanish and Spanish > Dutch.
- Teacher at national training institute SIGV for the programme Court Interpreting in Criminal Cases for the Spanish Language.
Specific experience as interpreter/translator Spanish
- Often assists the police force, the District Court, the Court of Appeal, the Netherlands Immigration and Naturalisation Service, the Royal Netherlands Military Constabulary, etc.
- Often assists social institutions such as the regional Youth Care Agency.
- Particularly experienced in providing translations of birth certificates, marriage certificates, divorce papers, adoption papers, diplomas, legal assistance requests under international treaties, criminal cases, etc.
- Particularly experienced in providing translations of lease/rental contracts, employment contracts, and official documents drawn up by civil-law notaries, such as powers of attorney and contracts of sale.
- Particularly experienced in providing interpreting services for the purpose of notarial deeds, such as prenuptial agreements, wills, cohabitation contracts, deeds of transfer of title, and mortgage deeds.
- Very experienced as a whispering and consecutive interpreter during conferences and negotiations.
Education and training
- Court Interpreting in Criminal Cases for the Spanish Language, at SIGV
- Legal Translator in Criminal Cases for the Spanish Language, at SIGV
- Interpreter and Translator for the Spanish Language at university of applied sciences ITV Hogeschool voor Tolken en Vertalen
- Spanish Language & Literature, University of Amsterdam
- Full-time freelancer since 2000
- Listed in the Register of Sworn Interpreters and Translators of the Netherlands Ministry of Security and Justice under Rbtv no. 173
- Member of the association of SIGV Court Interpreters and Legal Translators
- Member of the Netherlands Association of Interpreters and Translators (NGTV)